This is a blog about alternative investments, hedge funds, the stock market, portfolio management, risk management, commodities, trading systems, managed futures and investing in general.

Monday, July 20, 2009

T2 Partners Presentation
T2 July 3

Monday, June 22, 2009

Thursday, June 04, 2009


IMF Working Paper: The Federal Reserve System Balance Sheet:
What Happened and Why it Matters

Morgan Stanley: 30 for 2013

30 for 2013

Monday, June 01, 2009

Heinsohn FAZ

Heinsohn: Die nächste Blase schwillt schon

Hussman - Anything but Academic

Hussman - Anything but Academic

ZDF Nachtstudio - Heinsohn

Heinsohn ZDF Nachtstudio

Hussman - Equilibrium

In order to understand the impact of these interventions, you have to think in terms of equilibrium - recognizing that all securities that are issued must also be held by someone - and then follow the money. Initially, suppose you have a banking system with $12 trillion in assets, financed with about $7 trillion in deposits and other liabilities to customers, about $4 trillion in debt to the bondholders of the banks, and about $1 trillion in shareholder equity as a buffer against insolvency.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Robert Merton : MIT Lecture

Robert Merton about risk: Lecture MIT World

Monday, January 12, 2009