This is a blog about alternative investments, hedge funds, the stock market, portfolio management, risk management, commodities, trading systems, managed futures and investing in general.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Weekend ahead

Heading into the weekend now, among others to visit an excellent winegrower in our vicinity, see you.

Futures Markets Today

A lot of mentionable moves on the futures markets today, with CLQ5 up 2$ to 58.5, the US Doller up strongly against all currencies (e.g. UROU5 down 1250 ticks under 1.20 and the Rand down 2500 ticks) as a late reaction to the interst rate hike yesterday, USU5 down a full point under 118 and weak short term rates, Silver and Gold stumbeling. Only equity indexes doing well so far, S&P up 4 points at 1200 and European indexes making new highs for the year (Eurostoxx at 3212, DAX at 4637 futures basis September). A mixed picture for medium to long term trend followers.


HOC looks strong and will go up until it stops.