This is a blog about alternative investments, hedge funds, the stock market, portfolio management, risk management, commodities, trading systems, managed futures and investing in general.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Futures Markets Today

A lot of mentionable moves on the futures markets today, with CLQ5 up 2$ to 58.5, the US Doller up strongly against all currencies (e.g. UROU5 down 1250 ticks under 1.20 and the Rand down 2500 ticks) as a late reaction to the interst rate hike yesterday, USU5 down a full point under 118 and weak short term rates, Silver and Gold stumbeling. Only equity indexes doing well so far, S&P up 4 points at 1200 and European indexes making new highs for the year (Eurostoxx at 3212, DAX at 4637 futures basis September). A mixed picture for medium to long term trend followers.

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