This is a blog about alternative investments, hedge funds, the stock market, portfolio management, risk management, commodities, trading systems, managed futures and investing in general.

Friday, July 08, 2005


Momentum stocks from this week are still doing well and it pays of to buy new highs.
Today LUFK powers ahead, with RL, KYPH, AGP and VPHM following - all of them have excellent short and long term charts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aloha Luna, I'm in Hawaiian mood as I'm listening to Ki ho'alu music (If you've not heard this type of guitar music then you are in for a treat!) so I'm not really concentrating very hard but I came across ##TITlE## looking up gen on currency trading tutorial. Anything to do with currency trading tutorial I always look at, though I do have a tendency to wander about in blogs just reading generally.