This is a blog about alternative investments, hedge funds, the stock market, portfolio management, risk management, commodities, trading systems, managed futures and investing in general.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Prechter sounds the alarm

Elliott Wave's Prechter sounds the alarm (


Anonymous said...

Luna, I just happened to be surfing for learn emini trading and somehow I ended up here. Don't ask me how. I actually wasn't interested in Prechter sounds the alarm until I accidently got here and started reading. Got major sidetracked. - ROFL - Well, best of luck and I'm back off looking for info on learn emini trading.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable Luna!! Here I was trying to get information on emini futures and somehow - don't ask me how - I ended up here reading about Prechter sounds the alarm. Well, you're not going to believe this, but here I am reading this site when I'm supposed to be researching emini futures. Thanks for the interesting info. Back to searching on emini futures.

Anonymous said...

Luna, I just happened to be surfing for learn emini trading and somehow I ended up here. Don't ask me how. I actually wasn't interested in Prechter sounds the alarm until I accidently got here and started reading. Got major sidetracked. - ROFL - Well, best of luck and I'm back off looking for info on learn emini trading.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Luna. I was searching for the latest information on emini futures and somehow, which I don't understand, found your site. Although Prechter sounds the alarm wasn't what I was interested in, I'm sure glad I found it. It's really amazing how on the Internet you can sit down and look for one thing, such as emini futures and find totally unrelated interesting stuff and spend hours reading about stuff other than what you were searching for. I'll keep on looking for emini futures but I just had to comment on how much I enjoyed reading the comments here.

Anonymous said...

Luna, I get incredibly sidetracked on the Internet. I'm supposed to be searching on emini future but got sidetracked here somehow and am reading about Prechter sounds the alarm instead. It's amazing how something that's supposed to take a few minutes ends up taking a few hours because it's so much more interesting reading about Prechter sounds the alarm than searching on emini future like I'm supposed to be doing.

Anonymous said...

Luna, I get incredibly sidetracked on the Internet. I'm supposed to be searching on emini futures but got sidetracked here somehow and am reading about Prechter sounds the alarm instead. It's amazing how something that's supposed to take a few minutes ends up taking a few hours because it's so much more interesting reading about Prechter sounds the alarm than searching on emini futures like I'm supposed to be doing.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Luna. I was searching for the latest information on day trading system and somehow I found your site. Although Prechter sounds the alarm isn't exactly what I was looking for, it's interesting how on the Internet you can look for one thing, such as day trading system and find both related and unrelated interesting stuff and spend hours reading about stuff other than what you were searching for. I'll keep on looking for day trading system but I just had to comment on how much I enjoyed reading the comments here.

Anonymous said...

Luna, I get incredibly sidetracked on the Internet. I'm supposed to be searching on emini day trading but got sidetracked here somehow and am reading about Prechter sounds the alarm instead. It's amazing how something that's supposed to take a few minutes ends up taking a few hours because it's so much more interesting reading about Prechter sounds the alarm than searching on emini day trading like I'm supposed to be doing.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site daytrade. It's got lots of info on daytrade.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site day trading future. It's got lots of info on day trading future.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site day trading future. It's got lots of info on day trading future.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site learn emini trading. It's got lots of info on learn emini trading.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site emini trading method. It's got lots of info on emini trading method.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. Check out my site about learn emini trading at learn emini trading.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. Check out my site about day trading future at day trading future.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site emini day trading. It's got lots of info on emini day trading.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site emini trading. It's got lots of info on emini trading.

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Nice blog, Luna. Check out my site about trading at trading.

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Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site day trade future. It's got lots of info on day trade future.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. Check out my site about emini futures at emini futures.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site emini futures. It's got lots of info on emini futures.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. Check out my site about stock day trading at stock day trading.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site elliott wave. It's got lots of info on elliott wave.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. Check out my site about stock market day trading at stock market day trading.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site emini trading method. It's got lots of info on emini trading method.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. Check out my site learn emini trading. It's got lots of info on learn emini trading.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. Check out my site about day trading future at day trading future.

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Nice blog, Luna. Check out my site about day trading course at day trading course.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. There's an interesting site about emini futures at emini futures.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. You may want to check out emini trading method. It's got lots of info on emini trading method.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. There's an interesting site about daytrading at daytrading.

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Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. You may want to check out emini trading system. It's got lots of info on emini trading system.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. There's an interesting site about stock market day trading at stock market day trading.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. You may want to check out emini futures. It's got lots of info on emini futures.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luna. Nice blog. You may want to check out emini futures. It's got lots of info on emini futures.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. There's an interesting site about day trading stock pick at day trading stock pick.

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Hey Luna. Nice blog. You may want to check out esignal. It's got lots of info on esignal.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. There's an interesting site about learn to day trade at learn to day trade.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Luna. There's an interesting site about elliott wave at elliott wave.

Anonymous said...

Hello Luna, been looking for the latest info on day trading and found Prechter sounds the alarm. Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.

Anonymous said...

Hello Luna, been looking for the latest info on equity trading and found Prechter sounds the alarm. Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.